Cleaning Up. Leadership in an Age of Climate Change

Ramez Naam

Ramez Naam Profile Photo

Angel Investor, Clean Energy Advocate, and Award-Winning Author

Originally from Cairo, Egypt he moved to the US at the age of 3. He studied computer science nad started his career with Microsoft, where he worked on the company’s flagship projects – including Outlook.

After 13 years, he switched to the energy sector and was one of the first to spot the exponential cost trends in renewables. In his 2011 piece ‘Smaller, Cheaper, Faster’ he noted that solar had the steepest learning curve and would eventually become the cheapest source of power.

Ramez has written five books – the first two about the frontiers of science and how they will impact, for the better, on the human condition: The Infinite Resource: the power of ideas on a finite planet (2013) and More than human (2005). These were followed by three science fiction titles, Nexus, Crux and Apex (2015)

Ramez is also an angel investor, focused on energy and sustainability, a co-chair for energy and the environment at the Singularity University, an advisor to Shell New Energies, as well as a very in-demand public speaker. He covers not only energy, but also issues like transhumanism.