Cleaning Up. Leadership in an Age of Climate Change


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Always interesting and well presented
Proper discussions that get to the heart of the biggest issue of our time. Unafraid to debate and no bull.

Essential listening
Clarifying and comprehensive. Has removed much confusion around environmental and sustains topics for me.

Insightful and broad ranging podcast
This podcast is hugely insightful in cutting through some of the noise and demystifying the energy transition. It covers a range of topics from policy to technology and also as far as human behaviour. I recommend to anyone interested in the topic

Very good and important show
This show is fantastic and should be much more popular and mainstream so that everyone can discuss the energy transition with knowledge rather than emotion

The best show for anyone with an interest in climate change
Michael and his guests (both as hosts and regular guests) offer incredible insight and cover a huge range of topics in this hugely important field. Michael is firm in his beliefs and isn’t afraid to challenge his interviewees - something a lot of other shows seem to shy away from, with hosts just agreeing with any and everything, seemingly not looking to upset guests. Michael is far keener on making sure that ideas and theories are challenged and can be backed up by science. All of this makes for a hugely engaging and informative show! Chris Foster

Good podcast, with a capitalist point of view on the energy transition. The host is a bit full of himself and is known to believe that Brexit is a good thing (which everyone on Earth knew and now knows that this isn’t the case). However, I feel that Michael’s podcast stands as a necessary and informative “right” balance to the Climate Pod (excellent as well). Very interesting guests most of the time anyway. Thanks for making it.

Mandatory listening for those in cleantech
Great podcast with superb guests, who get an incisive grilling. More please!

Informative, accessible and optimistic
Sensible, intelligent and (usually) entertaining people engaged in finding solutions to the climate crisis we have got ourselves into. A must listen for the climate catastrophists (if that’s a thing?)

Best podcast out there
This is my favourite podcast ! Strikes a great balance between subject knowledge and big picture views, easy to follow for non-energy experts. What I love most is the combination of high profile interviewees/ experts views and Michael’s background knowledge, allowing him to challenge what is said and put things in perspective. I always learn something new! Michael please keep it up.

Good debates on the details
I appreciate that Michael invites guests that he might not necessarily agree with on everything (e.g. Mariana Mazzucato / Tony Abbot to take 2 very different examples) and debates them, often going into specific details. He’s certainly not one for platitudes!

Compelling interviews
Been listening avidly for about 6 months -great range of guests and I really like the balanced pragmatic approach of the host

Essential Listening
One of my favourite podcasts in the energy and environment space. As an energy professional, passionately committed to the fight against climate change, I’ve yet to hear an episode that hasn’t been fascinating and insightful. Biggest problem is that I struggle to listen to it in the background whilst doing anything else!

Really interesting conversation about climate and energy.

Delightfully interesting and entertaining
Michael is a fantastic host with a very interesting and diverse background. He has relatively frequent releases at the moment where he (virtually) sits down with equally (or more) interesting people than himself and delves into a variety of topics around renewable energy and sustainability.

Great clean energy podcast
A must listen for anyone interested in the sector or even interested in the world around them

Light relief on v.important climate issues
Entertaining and amusing but informative and important discussions re the climate issues we’re faced with now and in the future if changes aren’t made.

My favourite podcast
For obvious reasons :-)

Rich with ideas.
If you have an interest in climate change, new energy, mobility and sustainable development this is highly recommended. I have learnt a huge amount listening in to Michael and his guests. Very knowledgeable types with a wealth of insight.

Entertaining and insightful—the best podcast I've listened to on climate change and the future of energy.